ANTM Cycle 11 Season Finale | Sample Resume
Sample Resume: ANTM Cycle 11 Season Finale

ANTM Cycle 11 Season Finale

Well this is the biggest night of the top rating series America's Next Top Model Cycle 11 because tonight the series will leave the air for now. This is the Season Finale Episode of ANTM, who among the three lovely contender will be the next AMerica's Next Top Model? I know you have you own bet who will win this Cyle's ANTM.

What i like about this contest is the prize amounting to $100,000 that's a lot money considering that the economy is stumbling down to recession. With the money it will save you few moths maybe or year of existence depending to your lifestyle but for me with that money I can live the whole year.

Well Just wait who will it be, so make sure that your channel is fixed to CW Network.

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